Morgage Permission

Morgage Permission




Date: ~~~PrintDate~~~
Ref. No.:00000000

Ref: Permission to morgage etc.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to confirm that we have sold FLAT No ~~~Unit~~~ in building ~~~Building~~~ on ~~~Floor~~~ FLOOR in ~~~Project_Name~~~ ~~~ProjectAddress~~~

for total consideration of Rs. ~~~AGG_Value~~~ ,~~~AmountInWord~~~ under an agreement dated ~~~Agg_Date~~~

We confirm that we have obtained necessary permission approvals, sanctions for construction of said Building from all the concerned competant authorities and the construction of the Building as well as of the Flat is in accordance with the approved plans. We assure you that the said Flat as well as the said Building and land appurtenant thereto are not subject to any encumbrances,charges or liability of any kind whatsoever and that the entire property is free and marketable title to the said property and every part thereof is clear.

We have no objection to your giving a loan to the above buyer and his mortgaging the said FLAT with you by way of security for repayment, not with standing anything to the contrary contained in the said agreements.

We also undertake to inform you and give proper notice to the co-operative Housing Society as and when formed, about the FLAT being so mortgaged.

Your Faithfully

Authorised Signator